Fourth Disturbing Dream of Barak Obama ( Martial Law) Video With Transcription
I have had dreams of Obama. That's the fourth dream that I had about Obama. I have had dreams of Obama and the first two came to pass. I

Third Disturbing dream of barak obama ( Dirty Water) Video With Transcription
Third Desturbing Dream of Barak Obama ( Dirty Water) This is the third dream that I had about Obama and it's very very weird. I had this...

Is Marty Breeden’s Amazing Prophetic Dream About “Approaching Storms” Now Being Fulfilled?
Acts 2:17 King James Version (KJV)
17 And it shall come to pass in the last days, saith God, I will pour out of my Spirit upon all flesh: an

Part 2 Communism Awaiting The USA - A Child's Dream
Coming soon: Free Speech banned in the United States

Part 1 Communism awaiting the USA- a Child's Dream
The United States of America Once a Free Country Now Worse than communist. That was the headline on the last print the New York Times had.

Second Disturbing Dream of Barack Obama (Bully Deal)
There is something wrong with that man.

First Disturbing Dream of Barack Obama (No Help)
Obama disrespects God's People

Start To Yell NOW...Warning To New York City
It seemed like we had enough time to escape if I started to yell NOW, but the next thing I know, it got stronger and way too close!
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