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Remember them that are in bonds, as bound with them; and them who suffer adversity, as being yourselves also in the body. Hebrews 13:3

Click on the links or pictures below and you will get to the sites. God bless your mission as you help Jesus deliver.

Richard Wurmbrand dared to proclaim his loyalty to Christ rather than bow to a government hostile to the gospel.

For this, he spent a total of 14 years in prison, two of those years alone in a solitary cell. As he sat alone, he dreamed of a mission that would one day help Christians like him.

Today, you have the opportunity to share his incredible testimony with your Christian friends and family. Request free copies of Tortured for Christ for those who would be inspired by Richard Wurmbrand’s example of faith under pressure.

Offer available to U.S. residents only.


Send encouraging letters to prisoners sent to jail for their faith.

In restricted nations around the world, persecuted believers have two requests: "Please pray for us" and "Please send Bibles!" Believers, as well as those seeking Christ, often wait years to own their own copy of God's Word, and they do so at great risk. But the requests continue: "Please send Bibles!"

Aaronic Blessing - By Johnathan Cahn
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