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Jonathan Cahn 2015 Mystery of the Trees Jonathan Cahn Shemitah

Jonathan Cahn

Mystery of the Trees

Jonathan Cahn

Dictated Document English

Father we just praise you, we thank you, we bless you, and we ask Father for your annointing. In my weakness be strong in your strength and touch your people. And we just give you praise Lord and I ask that you speak your word and speak your will Lord and reveal your Lord your revelations for such a time as this. We praise you in the name of Yeshua Jesus the Messiah.

Joe asked me to share on the theme which is Israel the church the end days God's purposes. A man came up to me in a conference I was speaking he says , “Jonathan I don't care what you speak about , even if you do an entire teaching on gardening , I won't miss it.” Well today we are going to test that proposition. I'm going to do an entire teaching on gardening. Now some of you are thinking that “ I don't think I can handle that.” , but I'm going to get into agriculture, you are going to be blessed. Botanical practices, so I hope this blesses you,.

I know this conference is about Israel Church but let me share about trees, I want to talk about trees tonight. Leviticus 19: verse 23 is the law of the trees. When you enter the land and plant all kinds of trees for food you will count its fruit as forbidden for 3 years. It will be forbidden to you and you shall not partake of it. But in it's 4th year all it's fruit shall be holy to the praise of The Lord.

And in the 5th year all the fruit of the tree will be partaken of that it may yield to you it's increase.

The law of the trees

When you plant a tree , it begins to bear fruit. The first year you do not partake of it the second year do not partake of it. Third year, do not partake of it but in the 4th year the fruit is considered holy to The Lord. It's the first fruits of the tree holy to The Lord. And then in the 5th year and every year after that everyone may partake of the fruits of the tree. Now in the natural realm, this is what it is, the harvest of the trees wasnt considered mature until the fruits were there for a while, a few years. And this is the principle of the first fruit , that the first fruit that is good , is to The Lord.

It's even practiced in Israel to this day. So I hope that you are blessed by the message of the trees, that's it we can take a break. Wait a minute there has to be more here. Well there is more. From this ancient law we are going to see revelations, and keys and secrets concerning the beginning and the end of the age. Israel , the Church, the end times. I'm surprised that I haven't heard more on this. Focus because there is going to be a lot here. Here I call it,' the Mystery of the Trees' . There is a mystery of God's name. His name in Hebrew “EL” and some derive that from a tree, from the name of strength , the tree “El”. Messiah who comes from God , who emanates from God is called “ The Branch”, He's called the Nazarene from the Hebrew word that means “ The place of the branch or the branching.

We go back to the law of the trees, for the law of the trees function on deeper levels not just the physical realm but the spiritual realm. Could it apply to spiritual things and the purposes of God as well? A branch, Messiah, is the branch who bears fruit. How many years does a tree bear fruit 3 years, get the pattern 3 periods of time the 4rth period of time comes the first fruit and then goes on. So how many years did Messiah minister? 3 a 4rth year He bears His full fruit to God. Produces the 4rth one is the first fruits, is the resurrection, is the cross , the resurrection. In the fourth year comes the full fruit of Messiah the law of the trees. That is Holy to The Lord. Now if you look at the larger picture, look at the entire life of Messiah on earth and take the law of the trees in a larger level, the pattern of 3 periods of time and then a fourth. We see Him who is called “ The Branch” the first years of His life growing up in Nazareth. That is one decade, that is one period. Second, He's a teenager , we don't know what happened pretty much, except for one thing. Then you have twenties, that's the third period. In which decade does His life bear the fruit? The fourth one, when He is in His thirties that is the fourth decade of the life of Messiah.

The law of the trees and the redemption and the resurrection all come there but lets go to a larger level and a bigger picture and there is another tree. It's the tree of man, the tree of humanity, the nations the gentiles. From Adam, in fact it even looks it, geneology is a tree. Begins with Adam and from Adam come all nations. Could the law of the trees also apply even here to human history? Humanity is a tree meant to bear fruit to God but it fell from Adam. So lets see what happens, if you take Adam and will take it and we are not getting dogmatic about it but just say Adam and you have one period of time Adam and a millennium and you get Adam, that's the first millennium there. The second millenium you have Noah and the deluge and it goes up to Abraham. Then you have Abraham to David is the third millennium but the fruits has not been born. And then what do you have? When you have David, you have the last one. The fourth is David to Messiah. When does man bear his fruits? The fourth millennium at the end comes Messiah. Actually when does it all happen? The new creation , it happens with the resurrection. And what is the Resurrection? The resurrection, Paul calls it the first fruits.

The first fruit, which is holy to the Lord. Messiah rises on the actual day of the first fruit. The actual Hebrew holiday. It's actually the day of the first fruits. In the law of the trees this comes in the fourth period. The first fruit of man.

And here is something else, I'm just throwing this in, man's fall is linked to a tree. The tree of the knowledge of good and evil and it brings death. But what happens in the law of the trees if you go 4 millennium , four periods of time to that same time. The tree, you have the manifestation of the tree good and evil and that is the cross. Because the cross is the manifestation of all evil and all good. And the cross all evil all sin crucifies God , that's evil. But in the cross God gives His life for us and that's good.

You have both and you have the tree of life also in the garden. What happens when it gets to the fourth period? It bears its fruit. The cross is also the tree of life because from this tree comes eternal life. God said you cannot touch this tree or you will have eternal life. You can not touch this. In sin it would have been actually a curse. But in Messiah the tree now produces life. There is a reason why the cross is a tree it's a dead tree. A living tree in the garden of Eden brought death. A dead tree brings life.

Now I can stop there and go home and I'd be satisfied. But here is another mystery here. In the law of the trees it says the first three years the fruit would be forbidden. But in Hebrew it says something else , in Hebrew it says the fruit is uncircumcised. And so here again in the fourth period of the law of the trees , the tree instead of uncircumcised becomes circumcised. What happens if you apply that to human History? From Adam onward you have four periods of time and when you reach that time of Messiah which is the changing time, for all that time you have the nations the gentiles who are considered uncircumcised. The Jewish people considered them unclean uncircumcised. But when you reach that key point, that changing point the fruit changes from being uncircumcised to circumcised.

And that is the exact time when Messiah's resurrection , what happens? The gentiles in Messiah become circumcised spiritually. You go from the time from the gentiles being unclean to the time of being considered holy to The Lord. What does Paul say? Now you are no longer uncircumcised you are now in the spirit you are now circumcised in Messiah. The law of the trees reveal that there has to be a shift of ages. And what happens during Pentecost which is actually another day in Hebrew called the feast of first fruits. On that day the Spirit comes and what do those Jewish people do? They start speaking in the tongues of nations . It's the day of the first fruits they represent all the nations of the world. They represent all who will come in to the kingdom. This is the time of the first fruits and that's exactly what the law of the trees would ordain. So here we have one man here, we have Adam but then we have another tree in human history and that other tree in human history is the tree that begins in Israel. And that tree is the tree that begins with one man Abraham and then it goes to another and another and then it branches in to twelve branches. And it becomes a nation. The tree of Israel. We have at the time of Messiah we have the nation's bearing fruit as the gospel goes out to the world. But what about Israel, Israel is only a small part of the Jewish people who came to the Lord. And we know that their time is not yet come. Could the law of the trees actually give a revelation of that? Well it does. Because the nation of Israel did not begin with Adam began with Abraham that is 2000 years later. So the key point of Israel would not be around the first century when all these things are blossoming. The key point would be about 2000 years later. If you go by the law of the trees it begins with Abraham about 2000 BC it goes to David second one it goes to Messiah middle ages. It would mean that regarding the redemption of Israel we are somewhere in the neighborhood meaning that it would happen sometime. That is when you enter the fourth period of time. It says when they would be come holy. The Jewish people with out Messiah are spiritually not circumcised. But when the key comes when that tree is going to bear fruit what was spiritually uncircumcised will become holy to the Lord. The it says that the whole earth will be filled up with the fruit of Israel. And so we are watching , we are in the time when this is beginning and so the law of the trees have to do with this thing. We are nearing that day the Bible says that all Israel shall be saved. All Israel. The word Jew means praise to God. That day the only time when Israel will be fulfilled is when Israel as a nation will be a praise to God. And that will come when Jerusalem shall be a praise to the earth. It says in the law of the trees in that time it shall become holy to the Lord and everyone shall partake of the fruit. If you take the law of trees it would some how mean that the redemption of Israel is near. If you give it one more thousand years the 5th year everything will be partaken of , you have a millennium when the earth will be filled with the Knowledge of The Lord. And the Lord shall rule from Jerusalem.

No that's just the first part, I want to move to another mystery.

Trees though, I want to focus on two trees concerning the end of the age..and it will reveal more secrets of the end times. This is kind of the big picture, now we are going to get specific. Messiah speaks of trees, Paul speaks of trees, Paul speaks of the olive tree. The first of the trees linked to the prophetic purposes of God here is the olive tree. And Paul says “if the root is holy so too are the branches.” But if some of the branches were broken off and you being a wild olive, were grafted in and became partakers of them of the rich root of the olive tree don't be arrogant towards the branches (Romans 11) But if you are arrogant remember it's not you who supports the branch but the root supports you.

And if they don't continue in their unbelief they'll be drafted back, for God is able to graft them in again. How much more who are the natural branches be drafted on to their own olive tree? A partial hardening has come over Israel until the fullness of the gentiles has come in. So all Israel shall be saved. What is the olive tree? It has to do with Israel obviously. It has to do with Israel and it has to do with the Church. It includes every believer in Messiah, it encompasses the entire church. And yet it appears to begin before the church age because it speaks of the gentiles coming in to something that was already there. The rich root of the olive tree. What is that about? It's not exactly the same as Israel of flesh and blood but it's linked to the Israel of spirit. The olive tree, what comes from olives? Oil comes from olives. What is oil a symbol of ? The Holy Spirit. The olive tree is especially linked to the spiritual life of Israel. There for if you are born again , you are grafted in , you are a fellow citizen of Israel of the spirit, the Bible says. You have Jew and gentile, you have natural branches you got the other branches, they are all back either were grafted in or were re-grafted back. So the church is really linked to this olive tree. What is called the church is really Jewish in spirit. It's an entity which is by spirit Jewish. And you've born again even though the out side of the branch stays the same whether you are black, white, italian, doesn't matter the out side is the same but the inside , the sap becomes new, different. You become Jewish in spirit, is that true? But now what happens if we take the mystery of the olive tree and we combine it with another mystery, the mystery of the Hebrew year. There is a mystery here because God has set up the entire age as a Hebrew year. The sacred Hebrew year always begins in spring with passover. So what happens is God has all the events of the first coming happening linked to spring.

Messiah crucified, Palm Sunday, Spring. Crucifixion spring. Resurrection Spring. All that Shavuot, Pentecost late spring early summer. You have all that. Then comes the great summer harvest. You have all these key events and they all happen on Hebrew holidays. Passover is salvation, resurrection is the fruits. Shavuot in Hebrew is pentecost. All that , then you have the summer harvest. Where no more holidays but now they go out to the fields and reap. We are now in the summer harvest. This is the timem of salvation of the summer harvest. But then the sacred year closes in Autumn. With a final month of all the autumn holy days. With the sound of the trumpets, feast of trumpets. Then Yom Kippur and then tabernacles. As the spring holy days are about the first coming the autumn holy days are about the second coming.He will come with trumpet sound, then comes Yon Kippur the day of the Lord. Then comes God will tabernacle His Kingdom on earth. We have the mystery of the age in the Hebrew year. But then we have the mystery of the olive tree. What happens if we combine the two? I've never seen this, but what happens if we combine the two mysteries and find this out? If we could find when in the Hebrew year does the olive tree blossom? Will it uncover the mystery of the church? Or the commonwealth of Israel. When is it fulfilled? When is the blossoming? When does the Olive tree blossom? Well the interesting thing, the olive tree enters in to the time of flowering in the spring time. Specifically in the month of May. What does that mean? It means that the olive tree blossoms at the time of the Hebrew feast of Shavuot , Pentecost. In other words, you get this? In other words the olive tree is blossoms first during Pentecost. That means when the first believers where receiving the Holy Spirit, out side the olive trees were blossoming . And here is the mystery of the church , and so here it is this simbol of the olive tree, the oil the Spirit. That's just what happens. And what was pentecost? It was the first blossoming of the church. When the olive tree was at it's early flowering, the church was as well. But the mystery of the olive tree reveals that the full blossoming isn't yet. It has another time when it blossoms fully. When is that? It's called the olive harvest, when it comes to the fullness of it's fruition. When is that? When does the olive tree bear, because we have a mystery here. It bears it's fruit in the month of Tishrei , that's September and October. What does that reveal? That's the same month of the feast of trumpets, and the day of the Lord and Tabernacles. What does it mean? The fullness of the Church will come at the end of the age. In the time of Israel's trumpets and Israel's reconciliation to The Lord Yom Kippur. It means the church can only reach it's fullness together with Israel. When the Jewish people return to The Lord. The children of Israel return to Messiah. That will come , will come the fullness of the church. See the church is not complete without Israel and Israel is not complete without the church. You can't have one fulfilled with out the other. Israel cannot be fulfilled without the church and the church cannot be fulfilled without Israel.

Now let's take the mystery of the olive tree and we join it to the law of the trees. The church has existed for 2000 years. But the olive tree from Israel from Abraham on we are spiritual parts of Israel has started from about 2000 BC, that means, that would tell us that even the fruition of the church would be coming soon. It's as old as Israel in one sense, the spiritual Israel comes with Abraham. And so it's about the same time. And all over the world what we are watching , it means that we are somewhere in the neighborhood. And all over the world is a new phenomenon. And that is the Church is coming in to the fullness of it's identity of it's roots. All over the world and I've been from China to Nigeria to India, all over the world. The believers on fire for The Lord, they love Israel. And now that has not ever been, since the book of ages. Israel and the church have not been together. And yet now it's happening again. This is a sign. It's not just that the Jewish people come to Messiah, but the church has to return to it's roots in Israel.

But then we have the other mystery. The other tree, the other tree of the end times or prophetic tree and that is a symbol of Israel it self. That is also the fig tree. That's more about the physical Israel existence. The tree that is connected with Israel again and again, Israel is spoken as a fig tree. God speaks to the Prophets, they were as figs, your fathers as a fig tree. So as the olive tree is more of spiritual life, the fig tree, good or bad, good or bad figs, is the physical more so. The Jewish people are God's people whether they are in God or out of God. I mean that does not mean they are saved , they are not but they are still the people that God chose. And then you have the Church at the same time.

So here is the question: When in the Hebrew year does the fig tree blossom? I mean figs can produce what is called the untimely or winter figs but they are not good figs. The fig tree, when does the fig tree produce it's first harvest? When? Cuz there's , when in the Hebrew year? The first harvest of the fig tree is in the spring time. So the fig begins to grow in the spring. And what does that have to do with anything? Well, the spring represents the first coming of Messiah. So what does it mean? When Messiah entered Jerusalem and died, the fig trees of Israel where just beginning to produce their life. It was the early figs. So in the spiritual realm, what does it mean? It means the tree of Israel was about to produce it's first fruits. The first Jewish believers. The fig tree produces it's first fruits , it becomes the harvest , the fullness of the early harvest. In the month of May, June – The Hebrew Month Sivan. Which is what time? Again, it's Pentecost/Shavout.

When those first 120 believers where sanctified by the Spirit and then 3,000 more Jewish believers came in. All around them the fig trees were putting out the early figs. Why? Because these were the early figs of Israel. And reveals in the spiritual realm, the fig trees of Israel were putting forth it's first figs. Those first 12 disciples , early figs. 120, early figs, 3,000 Jewish – early figs. The fig tree blossoms with it's first harvest. The Hebrew name for the early figs is the bikkurah, the spiring figs, bikkurah. Bikkurah means the first fruits. They were the first , those believers were the first fruits of all believers who would ever come. The first believers of the age. They changed the course of the world. These few Jewish believers have literally changed the face of history. Paul, Peter and all the rest. And what happens to those figs? Well if you go down the line , those figs are about the time of Pentecost. and then soon after that, they disappear. What does that reveal in the spiritual realm? What happens to the mistery of the age is the first harvest, the first believers they are there around the time of Pentecost but they last for a little while but then comes the great harvest of Summer and they kind of disappear. And so it's interesting those first Jewish believers, those first churches, those first things . They are there for a time, they stand for all who will come. But they eventually they disappear. Now Paul says the first fruits are holy then the rest is holy. But they are the ones who begin this age, we have the Bible through them. And it means that, but interesting thing because their name – now stay with me because I'm giving you some deep stuff here. I want you to focus with it. Because the first fruits sanctifies all that would come after it. When you lift up the first fruits to God it represents everything else. In some way these first fruits of Jewish believers sanctified Israel even though Israel did not as a Nation follow God. As a Nation yet those first fruits those first Apostles, those first leaders. Israel is supposed to be a light to the nations. Well Israel has become a light through the nations through them. Israel was supposed to send the Word Of God to the nations, well it didn't but through them it did. They fulfilled the act , through them Israel has been blessed. Even through them. Even for you all you who love Israel, you came through them. You love Israel though them who brought you Messiah. So even the nation of Israel is blessed by those first believers. And so they spread and they spread this faith as no faith has ever been spread on earth. Because they were the first fruits , now what else do we know about that harvest? The mistery or revelation , that first fig harvest is that it does not produce many figs. But the figs it produces are large figs. So the first believers , the first Jewish believers there were many, I mean there were thousands but they were not relative to the nation. But they were big , they were giants. So here they are they go there they signal , what those first figs signal is the beginning of that great summer harvest. So the first Jewish believers signal the beginning of the world harvest of salvation. And then, they fall off the tree. And some commenters say they fall of quickly . Interesting cuz that is what happens, they come, they appear, they are giant and then they quickly fall off. Many of them being literally killed. I mean there were some, I mean there were always Jewish believers in some way but you see the giants they are there and then they are gone. And you have this thing , it signals this explosion of the Spirit. We've never seen The Spirit move as it did in the book of Acts. Until we can say the last days. And what happens after these Jewish believers are in some ways gone?

The church cuts it'self off or gets cut off from it's roots.

From Jerusalem, there's no more Paul's , none of that. And many of them do exactly what Paul said dont ever do. Don't boast against them. You are grafted in to Israel you are to love Israel. But this is what happens, you have Israel on one side , you 've got the Church on the other. And for 2000 years they have been without each other pretty much. The church has missed Israel and Israel has missed the church and Messiah.

And both suffer until they come together. Because the greatest power is when they are together.

But that's not the end of the fig tree mystery. Because what happens then to the fig tree? The fig tree bears this early harvest and then nothing more. And then everybody goes out into the fields , they reap all the other harvests. But during those harvests when they go out in the summer , they reap everthing else. Red in to that “ the nations”, the fig tree is barren, looks barren. It looks barren and for 2000 years you have the gospel go out into all the nations. And pretty much Israel looked barren. The Jewish people did not have salvation by enlarge. So it's the exact matching of what happens. And it all came from Israel, and yet their own people didn't have salvation. And so even when you look at Rabbinic Judaism, it was like a fig tree, it looked like the fig tree, it was the original fig tree but it could not bear the fruit of salvation, they didn't have the Spirit any more. They didn't have the power of God to spread it. And literally if you look at the land of Israel at that time, the land of Israel was barren. There was nothing happ- It was utterly barren , it was a wasteland just like the fig tree is barren through all that period of harvest. But the thing about the fig tree is that's not the end of the mystery. This tree looks dead for a long time. But what happens is it has one more harvest to come. The fig tree blossoms twice. Once at the beginning of the year called early figs and you have the other harvest called the latter figs.So in the same way as the olive tree, the fig tree bears it's first harvest in the spring – (First Coming) (And book of Acts) then it looks dead , it looks lifeless, during the harvest but then it's gonna bear another harvest, the same tree. The same tree from which came salvation, Israel, is going to bear another harvest. And when it does, because that first harvest transformed the world. What will happen when Israel bears again? That's why the enemy has wanted to cut off Israel , the tree, for 2000 years. That's why he has warred against Israel, that's why you have Hitler that's why you have all these people that by the forces of hell have tried to destroy the Jewish people. Why? Because the enemy knows that even though it looks spiritually barren , they are going to bear again. And when they bear again it's the end of his kingdom. That is why the enemy hates Israel. Because he knows that when They come in it's the end of his kingdom. So they will do it again. So when is the second blossoming of the fig tree? Well the mystery even reveals that. When , well we will get to that in a moment, but I want to say something before I want to open up yet another mystery. And this concerns now , you can't have trees without soil or land. And here's the next part. The land of Israel is different from any other land. In that it's exactly tied to God , reflects the spiritual realm. The land of Israel manifests the condition of the Jewish people to God. If the people of Israel, the Torah says, If the people of Israel it says , you follow me your land is going to be fruitful and prosperous. Flowers, fruit, trees but then comes the warning. If you turn away from me , he says your land is going to become a waste land. The trees are going to vanish the flowers, will disappear , nothing will grow. So if the people of Israel become spiritually barren to God, the land of Israel will become physically barren, you get it?

What does it have to do with the mystery of the trees? If the children of Israel cannot bear their fruit to God, the land of Israel will become barren. Therefore, it's exactly what the prophecies of scripture say.

That in the time here, at the time you have Israel , what do you have the book of acts but after that? Gone , most of the nation did not turn to Messiah. What happened is , the land of Israel grew barren. It says that the stranger will come to the land and say, “ What is happened to this land is there's a curse on this land!” That's what God prophesies. You litterally have it , it says the whole land will be like fire and brimstone like Soddom and Gommorah . It says the stranger will say, “ Why has the Lord done this to His own land? Through much of the Church age , if you went to Israel, that land was barren. 2000 years the prophecy was fulfilled, it was like Sodom and Gomorah it was like a moon scape in some places, it was a vast desert in other places. It was a malaria swamp in other places. And so therefore you look around. You know actually it prophesies, “The stranger will come .” Well you actually have strangers who came , even in the 19th century they did journals. One of them was Mark Twain. And he writes, he's fulfilling the Torah without realizing it, he looks at the land and he says- because it says “all the nations will say why has the Lord done this?” And Mark Twain says, “ Over the land there's like a spell a curse, it's withered the fields,” he said, “Palestine is desolate and unlovely” . And why should it be any other way because , can the curse of God beautify a land? So what the prophecies foretold there came true. Litterally, you have this land and no matter what happened , no matter who tried to farm it, nobody could. I mean people came, nations came, empires came they could not do a thing with that land. It would not bear. And what it means is that , if that's the case it must mean that the Jewish people right now are not spiritually bearing, and that is true because without Messiah you cannot bear fruit. If Israel's turning away from Messiah was the correct decision , we talked to Rabbis, if that was the correct decision then the land would have prospered. But the fact is it was the wrong decision the land says no it was wrong. For the last 2000 years no matter what happened that land was as cursed. But the prophecies don't stop there. They speak of the day that when the desolate land would miraculously bloom again. In Ezekiel 36 it says, “and the desolate land shall be tilled again. Where it lay desolate in the sight of all that pass by, and they shall say , the land that was desolate has become like the garden of Eden. And the Lord will bring back the children of Israel from the ends of the earth and all the land of Israel shall blossom. “ Which was foretold as well in the late 1800's the Jewish people begin returning to the land. When they see it they are overwhelmed by it. It's a vast desert wasteland . It's inhospitable and here was the land that could not be farmed by any people and here was the Jewish people who could not farm any land. You put them together . Put together the land that can't be farmed with the people who can't farm. And what happens? The land blooms like a rose in the desert, that's God's irony.

It is now blossoming like the garden of Eden. The mystery of the trees . In the time of Israel's first blossoming when the book of acts came , the land was blossoming. When Jewish people were coming to the Lord the land was blossoming. But it has not been for that long and it suddenly started blossoming again around the late 1900's or 1800's in to the 20th century. Today Israel is one of the only countries who have more trees now than it did 100 years ago . On this desert land have now sprung up about 250 million trees. More trees have sprung up from nothing in our day than any other comparable time in the history of Israel. And for the prophecy it says one day Israel shall fill the earth with it's fruits. Now in the natural, there's spiritual things there but in the natural it's already happening. Israel is already sending it's fruit and flowers across the world. There are people who are importing. Nation's import fruit from Israel, the desert. But this brings up a question. If the state of Israel is joined to the spiritual state of the Jewish people, what does that mean? It must mean something. And it means something. If there's been a change in the physical realm there had to be a change in the spiritual realm. Could it be that the blossoming of Israel was linked to a spiritual blossoming among the children of Israel? And the answer is yes.

Number 1, the physical blossoming of Israel is a foreshadow of what is coming. Spiritually Israel will also blossom. The time is growing closer for it's blossoming. But then there is something else , there is another side of biblical prophesy. And that is if the land is blossoming there has to be a spiritual blossoming. There has to be something there and here's the mystery, as the land of Israel began to blossom. Around the world Jewish people started coming back to God at the same time, at the same time. The land started blossoming at the end of the 19th century, the Jewish people started returning to Messiah at the exact same time. In fact you might even say, it could even be said according to some scriptures in the Torah, that it was actually the spiritual revival that began that actually caused Israel to come back. “Because when you turn back to me in the nations, I will bring you back. “

“ I will blossom the land.”

And so here it is , you have a miracle taking place in our day.

It is still happening. 1948, Israel becomes a nation, 1967 there comes a break through in the physical realm of Israel , they return to Jerusalem as Messiah said. I shared this morning, Messiah said, “ You will not see me again until you say, “Baruch Haba bashem Adonai.” “

You will not see me again Israel until that. In other words , just by the Word of Messiah the Jewish people can never be destroyed until they say that and then they wont be destroyed. They had to survive against all odds , they survived. They had to come back to Israel to say it, they did. And come back to Jerusalem because that is where he said it. They did , 1967 break through, physical break through interesting at the same time around the world Jewish people started coming to Messiah in greater numbers than ever before. 1967 is the key year in the Messianic revival. God matched the two together. That's were multitudes of Jewish people come back to The Lord in greater numbers than any time since the book of acts.

And while this is all happening the Land of Israel continues to bloom. There's another thing here. There's another mystery here because the mystery of Israel joins up with the Church. What happens to Israel and the Church, they are joined together. When does the church spiritually prosper? When the land of Israel is prospering. When did the Church first prosper? The book of Acts, the land of Israel was prospering. You've got the most anointed time, when the land of Israel was blossoming. But you have another time the land of Israel , the land of Israel only blossoms twice, one is at the beginning of the age, the other is the end. So you got the 20th century or 1920 21st century, So what has happened to the church? In the same way the Church has also prospered more in the recent and modern times than any other time in history. For the first time the gospel spread to all nations. For the first time you have millions of people coming to the Lord in Africa, Asia, South America, all over the world. The faith became global at the same time that the land of Israel started prospering again. After the beginning of the age, at the beginning of the age, Church and Israel were together. The most powerful time , they

have been separated but they are coming back again. As they come back, the power returns. The power returns.

And there's another mystery here. And that is joined to the trees , you can't have trees without rain. I told you about agriculture, rain, and bear fruit, you cannot have any of that without the Heavens open up and the Scriptures speak of the mystery. The rains of the promised land are linked to the mystery as well.

Because it says, “ If the children of Israel are right with God , “ God said the Heavens will pour down rains on the land. But if the children of Israel cut themselves off from God, then the land shall be cut off from Heaven the Heavens will dry up. It's written in Deuteronomy 28 , if you turn away from God the Lord will make the rain of your land as powder and dust. Drought.

Isaiah 5, He speaks of a vine yard. Israel is symbolized by a vineyard built by God. Which does not yield it's fruit and God says this of the vineyard, “ I will remove it's hedge, it will be devoured, I'll break down it's wall, it shall be trodden down, I will lay it waste. And I will command the clouds that they rain no more upon it. “ “ I will command the clouds that they rain no more upon it.”

And so ancient Israel and Jerusalem would be destroyed in 586 BC.

But Messiah said it's going to happen again. He spoke of Israel also as a vineyard. The parable of the vineyard. The parable of the fig tree. And the midst of the vineyard does not bear fruit. This would all be fulfilled with the destruction of the temple in 70 A.D.

Messiah foretold the destruction. And He spoke in terms of Isaiah's vineyard in Isaiah 5. He says “ trodden down”, trodden down, same thing with the vineyard. It only occurs in a few verses of the Bible that's the vineyard story of Isaiah. He says, “ It will happen.” But it also says in Isaiah, that God will command the rains to stop. And would apply the same judgment in 70 A.D that happened in 586 and the amazing thing is for those who know history, that when the temple was destroyed in 70 A.D. It was destroyed in the exact same day as the first temple.

But , could it be that this actually came true? That His words were fulfilled? Concerning the rains?

Now amazing thing that was only discovered recently. Scientists began analyzing the chemical composition of the rings of stalagmites. Growing up from the floor of the caves near Jerusalem. And the rings dated from 200 B.C. To 1100 A.D. And they came to an amazing discovery. They discovered that the climate of Israel suddenly changed. When?

At the end of the first century. Right after 70 A.D.

Now remember the mystery, it's joined to the spiritual condition. Could there have been a dramatic change in Israel, with the Heavens at the time of that same event?

The land changed because there's a spiritual change that happens. The Jewish people are pretty much gone their way, or going their way. And the Jewish people are also separated from the land. And from Messiah in many ways. What was it that the geologists discovered that happened just then?

The climate of Israel suddenly changes , how? They discovered the Heavens were cut off. The rain suddenly stopped on the land. And it remained dry for centuries. Enough for the land to wither away. And for the trees to disappear. And it all happened at that same time. When Zion becomes a waste land.

Now here's another amazing thing. What happened to those rains that were all dried up? What happened when the Jewish people began to return to Zion?

If the ancient rains stopped, at the time that Israel turned away from Messiah. And then the land were driven according to the mystery we would expect the rains to return. When the Jewish people returned. When they start returning to Messiah and the land.

First of all here's the first part. The rains have returned. When ? At the exact same time, at the end of the 19th Century. As the Jewish people begin returning to Messiah and returning to the land. The rains begin to return to the promised land.

And suddenly they are raining on the desert. And all this when they come. But it's not just that. I mean you have these two things happening at once. It says if you depart from me I will hold up the rains, but if you come back, I will give you the latter rains, I will give you the former rains,

Actually when they studied this you know what they found? There where two key years or time clusters when rain poured totally upon the land. You know when it was? One year was 1948 the re-birth of Israel. And the other 1967, Jerusalem, God is amazing. The rains come back. The fig trees are blossoming again in Israel. The Olive tree is blossoming. And when you think of the rains coming. What do you think of ? What prophetic book do you think of when it rains on Israel? The book of Joel, “ I will give you the latter rains, I will give you the former rains”.

“When you turn back” but that's all linked to the repentance of the Jewish people.

I was going to share this, when I was in Cuba, they asked me to come there because Fidel Castro had said he's going to open up the Island again. To the Gospel. He's going to show the world there's religious freedom in Cuba. Well...God uses everything. So he says there gonna have one month where the Gospel , there will be celebrations across the land by believers. And they asked me to come and open it up by sounding the shofar. So I did. And as I sound the shofar you know the first time ,the communists are watching all around , they are very nervous about this. And one turns to the other and says, “ What is that?” , “ That's the Jewish horn isn't it?” “ What's he doing with that?”

You know because one was right near them. I was told that Fidel Castro was watching this on television and said, “ Who is that Jewish man, what is he doing causing this ruckus? “ Is what I heard.

So I sound this shofar, they ask me to sound the shofar when they read a book and the book that they are reading is the book of Joel . That a cursed land, a curse on the land , it says gather, have repentance , turn back to God. And then I will restore the years the locust have eaten. And then I will pour the rains back on . And so that night they ask me to share in a outdoor gathering in Cuba. And I said you know I'm going to share on the book of Joel. I had it all planned, the book of Joel. Locusts devouring the land, curse, then there's a day of darkness. And then there is repentance, sound the shofar and come back to God and then God will open up and the rains, and the Spirit. And so I'm about to share that and people there, I had my talit on and people there ,they didn't know why a Jewish person would be there. And someone said to the other, “ Look, Moses is here.”

I said Ok. I said that's interesting so I'm. People call me all different biblical characters every day it's a different thing. So I'm looking at my notes on Joel and all of the sudden something happens I've never seen before. All the sudden, the entire, all the sudden there's a swarm of insects comes over everybody.

Book of Joel.

Swarm of locusts, insects all of the sudden, insects over everybody.

I mean people are scratching, people are screaming, I never seen anything in my life. I'm saying, “ wow, this is like what I'm going to preach about.”

Thank you God, I don't have power point but I have that. I'll take it. People are screaming , I'm laughing. And I open up the bible to Joes and litteraly I'm looking at the Scripture's on locusts and literally the insects are landing on those Scriptures.

I'm saying “wow.”

And then the next thing in Joes says “ a day of darkness” , all of the sudden the lights go out. And everything is dark. Literally and people are screaming and people are crying they don't know what's going on they are all this, and the guy looked at me that says “Moses is here” now they are getting worried, now they are getting scared. I'm looking at them you know. There's darkness and then there's like a ball of light is like going over everybody's head. It's was like close encounters. I was like “What's going on Lord?” The ball of light it was like some kind of insect , it had to be an annointed insect, had to be a pentecostal insect because I never saw anything like it in my life. It was gigantic. It was like 2 inches of light. And it's going everywhere , it's going over there and I'm going like “ Lord what are you doing?” And before the Lord, the insect lands on my hand. I'm sitting there , I'm looking. And people are looking at me. I mean , I'm thinking, I look like a catholic bumper sticker. And I don't know what to do now. Litteraly before the Lord. It landed upside down so the light is shining. I don't know what to do, I can't kill it. I mean you know, if I give it to somebody they might start a cult. I don't know what's going on so. And eventually the lights go back on and the insects are gone and they call me up to speak.

I said , “ Wow, Lord.”

You made this easy. So again, I said, “ I'm going to talk about the book of Joel tonight. “ So I share about it and I share, you know about the cursed land and the whole thing. Then God calls us to repent and come before The Lord. It says, “ Then He will open up the Heavens.” And send the rains and God wants to do that and I share and then I sound the trumpet the shofar. And as I sound the shofar, the guy next to me says, “ stop, don't do it again”. I said, “what?” because I had the talit, I said , “what?” He says. It turns out there was a drought in Cuba. And at that moment literally there's a down pour. Starts to rain. At that moment. Forget Power Point.

It starts to rain.

Literally and then it stops. I said “ok.” “ Well that's like a sign , The Lord is going to want to do this here. It will become a down pour, “ I said this whole thing. Then I get off the stage. In the book of Joel it says the rains but it's not just one rain there's two. So I walk off the stage about 30 minutes they are worshipping and all of the sudden comes the second rain. But this rain comes down trickles and about 20 seconds it becomes a rain, 20 seconds it becomes a down pour. 20 seconds it becomes a deluge. Flooded and the people instead of leaving because they have been so prepped by tonight that night . Instead of leaving, they break out in worship to God. And it says , “then I will pour my Spirit out in all flesh”, And it explodes, the water is coming and the Spirit is coming , I could not tell when the water stopped and the Spirit began. It was just pouring, the children are worshipping they are running on the stage. They are not leaving. Buckets are coming they are worshipping . “ I will pour my Spirit out on all flesh.” We left there at about 12 at night and they were still out there in the rain worshipping God.

And that happened on the first day of this revival that Fidel Castro allowed. And I said , “Lord what's going on with this?” I went home and was like what's going on? The Lord led me to Joel 2 , “ I will pour my Spirit on all flesh in the last days.” But the key is it ends with the Spirit coming on everything. But it begins with the Jewish people repenting before the Lord. Repentance brings revival. And the repentance of the Jewish people brings redemption. And I realize that I wasn't asking them to repent, I was repenting for my people. Because for 2000 years we turned away from our calling, to be a light.

When you start seeing these things, know that your redemption draweth nigh. And no it's not only the redemption of the Jewish people. Nobody believed even most of the Church did not believe that He would bring Israel back. But He did it because He is faithful. And If He is faithful to Israel , He will be faithful to you. If He keeps His Word to Israel , He will keep His Word to you. So, thank God that He keeps His Word after 2000 years.

In the lasts days, not only is it times of evil, but it also says, “ I will pour my Spirit out.”

It's also times of good. It's also times for the power of God because the power of the enemy is nothing compared to the power of God. So we are not to fear the last days.

And that goes back to the mystery of the rains. When , what happens? The rains were pouring out in Israel when the Spirit poured out just like that. In the first century, also the rains were on the land. Then it stopped and it's interesting because when you read church history, all of the sudden it's seems like the gifts of the Spirit start drying up. There is less and less about the Spirit moving. That's what happens, you have the book of acts, you have the rain, and then Jewish people are gone. Jewish believers are gone. The rains are gone and the manifestations are fading away.

Now what does it mean?

If now all these things are coming back, Israel is back, the rains are back. The Jewish believer and Jew and gentile are back together again. We are part of that tonight. And what does that mean? It means that the greatest out pouring of the Spirit is yet ahead.

We spoke about the Hebrew year and how it holds the key, well what about the rains? Even they are . In the Hebrew year there was not one rain called with a name , there's two rains. There is the former rain and there's the latter rain.

So now take it on a cosmic proportion. What it means is, as there was an outpouring on the day of Pentecost, as the Spirit came there must be another outpouring in the end time. And in fact the same time we are seeing Jewish people come back, we are also seeing the greatest pouring out of the Spirit in the history of the Church. When does it start? Around the 20th century. All around the world. Africa, Asia, India, China, the Spirit is pouring out. And there is more to come. And so the one thing as we bring this home. There's so much here , I'm condensing and condensing.

One thing I did not mention. When does the fig tree bloom again? On the Hebrew calendar. Mystery of the Hebrew year. When? When do the latter figs come in? When in the year?

We know that the Jewish people will come back. But the question is are they going to come back after the trumpets only? When the rapture or whatever, the coming of the Lord? Or can there be a revival even leading to that day? When do the fig trees happen? The fig tree blossoms, is it after trumpets or before trumpets? Interesting. The answer is the fig tree blossoms for it's latter harvest in late summer, August and September. The Hebrew month is called Elul. That month ends with a great trumpet. And why is that significant? Because one Messiah is not coming until they come back. Number one we know that. Number two it means that a revival, massive can come leading up to Messiah. If we are near the end of the harvest. If we are waiting the trumpets , we are in the Hebrew month of Elul. You should know that is called the month of return. The month of in Hebrew Teshuva. Teshuva means repentance and it also means return. And that holds the key. We are living in the days of Teshuva. That's what this whole mystery is about. The days of return . Here's a mystery, the age can not close until it returns to the same place where it opened. He went up and they said it's not gonna happen. He's going to come down the same way He went up. So the age begins with Him going up from the Mount of Olives and it ends with Him coming down on the Mount of Olives.

I mean everything that went out, comes in. The Jewish people went out, they got to come in. The Gospel went from Jerusalem, it has to go back to Jerusalem. What's it saying? The church came out from Jerusalem, it's got to come back there. At the beginning you had Jew and gentile you got to have Jew and gentile again.

We are seeing it.

In the beginning of the age you got an Israel at the end of the age you got an Israel. Is that a coincidence or what?

In the beginning of the age you got Jerusalem in Jewish hands at the end you got the same thing. Is that a coincidence?

In the beginning of the age there was an anti-christian world culture, you are watching this come again. When you see America turn, when you see this world turning. It's not out of control. God is still in control. It began that way it's got to end that way. Because we say, “Hey we want the book of acts, we want to live in the book of acts.” Well you want the book of acts? You got to have the persecution of acts too.

In the beginning of the age you got the book of Acts. So at the end of the age you got to have something like the book of Acts.

In the beginning you have believers who are radical on fire for God. Who overcame and changed the course of human history. Turned the world upside down. There is to be again that power. For the children of Israel returning, as it was at the beginning. Means the church must also return to the state it was at the beginning. On fire radical for the Lord.

Even though it may get harder, even though it may be a remnant but that remnant is enough to change the world. The zeal it's time. It is Teshuva. It's time to return to the book of Acts.

It's time to return to the Power. It's time to return to the prayer, to the proclaiming to the boldness. To the book of Acts. It's time to return to the all out fire.

A dedicated, single minded, focus consecration of the book of Acts. We are the latter generation, they are the first. It's time to return to that. The mantle is there. It's time to return to the awe and the wonder. And the newness and the Spirit of God. The love the resurrection power of Messiah.

It's time to come to return to the life changing, history changing, world changing unstoppable power of the book of Acts. It's time to enlarge our vision. It's time to enlarge our tent. It's time to come back to greatness. It's time to believe the greatness of God. And to walk in the greatness of His power. They did it we can do it! As the Lord says, “ Arise and shine for your light is come and the glory of the Lord is risen upon you. “ Let's rise it's time to rise in God and the power of God will fall as He has promised, that is the mystery.

“ Father we praise you, we thank you tonight. We lift you up Father and we ask your hand and your anointing to be upon our life. We ask Father , touch each one , man and woman Lord. We want to be on fire for you. We want to be world changing. We want to be history changing. Lord we want to walk in the same power , you are the same God and you have the same power. We need it as much as they needed it then. We ask Father anoint us. And whatever is in our life that should not be there, we lift it up to you Lord, we walk we turn from it Lord. And whatever is not in our life that we need to put on, we take it up Oh Lord. And we ask Lord have your way. We praise you and we thank you Lord that we have been called for such a time as this. Oh Lord, let us fulfill the calling for which you placed us in our mother's womb. We praise you, we love you, we thank you, And Lord, we want to shine with the Glory of God in our lives. And we praise you in the Name Above Every Name, The Name Of Yeshua , Jesus, The Glory Of Israel , and the light of the world. In His Holy Name we praise You tonight. Amen and Amen.

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