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My Book 'Last Warning' Is Released

To get a free copy of my book ' Last Warning ' you can visit these sites below:

Amazon has it for kindle and so does smashbooks. Link for the free book above. Now Amazon, the lowest they will let me go thus far is .99 cents for the e-book. The paper back is in review and will be releasing soon. The lowest price I could go is 4 dollars and some change with the paper back book and that just covers the cost of printing.

Book Summary

Acts 2:16-17 King James Version (KJV) 16 But this is that which was spoken by the prophet Joel; 17 And it shall come to pass in the last days, saith God, I will pour out of my Spirit upon all flesh: and your sons and your daughters shall prophesy, and your young men shall see visions, and your old men shall dream dreams:

I was asked to share some of the memories that I have of Heaven and some Heavenly Encounters. Let me tell you, that as a child I was not very nice... I was mean and selfish...that is when my first Near Death Experience happened... My mom had bought us kids Flintstones vitamins with iron. She would give us kids one a day. and I used to sneak and take a whole bunch of them like candy. I thought that they were pretty and tasted sweet so I ate lots and lots. Over a period of time, I started feeling sleepy, very sleepy and my arms felt really tight. I was scared and didn't want to tell mom for fear that I would get into trouble. So I went to my bed and fell asleep. BOY DID I!

End time warnings have gone on in hopes that we could help save people from the wrath to come. With all the Bible prophecies coming to pass right before our eyes. The mark of the beast in plain sight. People are already accepting it. Their lights are going out and with it, any hope of salvation. I fear it might be too late to publish this book and warn, as World governments are hard at work to make money digital and to force upon mankind the microchip mark of the beast. Once a person takes the mark, they are not redeemable. There is no forgiveness for them that take the mark of the beast. Did you know: They want to brand you with an enzyme called Luciferase? LUCIFERase...

All internet websites are attached to an address bar at the top. All the web addresses have the www in front. Well the letter 'W' is the letter Vav in Hebrew. The letter Vav is also the number 6 in Hebrew. So the www = vav vav vav = 666. All computers are attached to the internet. All computers are microchips. Even if they say that it's not for buying and selling any computer can have a program of digital money added to it. So can the microchip. Like I said a microchip is a mini-computer. DON'T DO IT.

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