"They've Killed God; I Can't Feel God; My Soul Is Dead" AstraZeneca Halts COVID-19
AstraZeneca revealed details of its large coronavirus vaccine trials on Saturday, the third in a wave of rare disclosures by drug...

Dana Coverstone, July 26, 2020
Hey Pastor Dana Coverstone in Brookville Kentucky , Lynnwood Ministries Church. Uh, my daughter is driving, i meant to get this on...

My Book 'Last Warning' Is Released
They want to brand you with an enzyme called Luciferase? LUCIFERase...
All internet websites are attached to an address bar at the top. All
Like The Nazis Before Did To The Jews, Government Demands Churchgoers Must Register With Big Brother
Yesterday, we received a desperate call from a Kansas City, Missouri, church whose local government is reaching new and terrifying...
Beware tyranny more than Covid-19
MainAll NewsOpeds Beware tyranny more than Covid-19 A writer says that worldwide lockdown policy is the cause of more ills than it...

Fourth Disturbing Dream of Barak Obama ( Martial Law) Video With Transcription
I have had dreams of Obama. That's the fourth dream that I had about Obama. I have had dreams of Obama and the first two came to pass. I

Third Disturbing dream of barak obama ( Dirty Water) Video With Transcription
Third Desturbing Dream of Barak Obama ( Dirty Water) This is the third dream that I had about Obama and it's very very weird. I had this...
Christian Doctor Could Lose Medical License for Invoking Faith with Patients
A Christian doctor in England could lose his medical license for interjecting faith into his meetings with patients. Dr. Richard Scott, a ge
Christian persecution close to 'genocide levels,' largely ignored due to 'political corr
Political correctness contributes to alarming anti-Christian hostility around the world and caters to the terrorists trying to eradicate...
Chinese officials warn Christianity is 'enormous harm' to society
Communist Party members in a central Chinese province were told Christianity is harmful to their country during a recent seminar.Religious e