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Part 2 Communism Awaiting The USA - A Child's Dream

Part 2 of the kid's dream

(ok youtube I'm reading part 2 of the kid's dream where she was crossing the border)

Then if I did go, I'd be older and with my mom and sister. We were leaving the country. At the border it shows my mom telling the booth person what went on and he gave us a green slip. He told us to park behind the border building where a sheriff walked up and placed us in a hotel. In the hotel I was sitting on the bed watching American news and I saw a youtube video that I made on T.V.

The news lady said that I was wanted by the government, she played my video, it was 14 minutes long and then at the end she said, “you go girl!”.

Then the T.V turned to static.

( Because in the United States the kid said that free speech was now banned. It was now called

“ MIND ALTERING PERSUASION”. So in her dream the United States charged her with a crime of “ MIND ALTERING PERSUASION” and whenever she put a youtube video up the United States would try to shut it down but the other country that she had moved to would say “ don't worry about it we are still keeping it up because we allow free speech here.” So that is what the crime that she was charged with was called “ MIND ALTERING PERSUASION”, which was freedom of speech basically. The United States no longer had freedom of speech)

(so I'm going to continue to read her dream: )

Then the scene switched and I was in a room with God looking at all this on a screen. We did not speak with our mouths, we spoke with our hearts and I told Him my concerns and He showed me that He would provide. And then everything turned black and white words came out of the darkness, of the black background. White Words appeared out of a black background saying:



So we must do the works of Him that sent us while it is day because the night comes and we wont be able to work. ONCE THEY GET THE MARK THERE IS NOBODY TO PREACH TO. They won't be forgiven, it's over for them and I wanted to end this with a prayer.

Father in Heaven in the sacred NAME of Jesus I ask that Father God you bless and protect the people that are watching this video Father in Heaven. That you equip them like soldiers Father in Heaven, that you shower them with immense protection them, their family, friends and loved ones Father God. Thank you so much for always providing for them and continue to do so in the days ahead Father God in the months and years ahead if there is even that much time left. Father God I ask that everybody that is watching this video may be filled with your Holy Spirit to overflowing and that THEY MAY NEVER run out of oil Father God. That they may always be awake, that they may always see.

That they may always hear that they may always understand that you may always heal them. That you may always keep them safe Father in Heaven. In the most sacred Name of Jesus.

Father God that you may give them a mind not to sin and to keep your commandments. That they may understand that keeping your commandments is showing you that they love you. Father God that they may bear so much fruit for you Father God and when they do see you Father in Heaven that they won't be afraid and they wont be ashamed that they didn't do the things that you sent them forth to do. Father in Heaven I plead The Blood Of Jesus over them and I plead Psalms 91 over them. Father God, and I ask that you send angels before them to pave the way. Every single day and every single thing that they have to do. Help them every day with their decisions Father in Heaven and protect them and keep them safe and keep their souls safe and cancel the devil's plans against them. In the most sacred Name Of Jesus Christ I pray this for their friends, families and their loved ones and for everybody that is watching this video and everybody within the sound of my voice.

In the Sacred Name Of Jesus Christ I pray, Amen.

In the Sacred Name Of Jesus Christ I pray, Amen.

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