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Fourth Disturbing Dream of Barak Obama ( Martial Law) Video With Transcription

This is my fourth dream of Obama. I had this dream, I'd say, sometime in the Spring of 2011. I dreamt that there were soldiers all around my neighborhood. They were everywhere and Obama was going with them. And they were in the neighborhoods of America, The United States of America. Obama and the soldiers were going into peoples' houses and taking their prized belongings, their possessions, their money, their gold. He was taking their income. I don't know what that means. All I know is that they would come out of the peoples' homes with the peoples' money. The peoples' gold. Whatever was worth money, he came out with. And I didn't have anything but a few little tiny things that represented money so I took those things and I hid them because I wouldn't let them take it because that is all I had to my name!

But he came to the door, to my door with soldiers and they came in and started looking and rummaging through all my things in my house. Trying to find something that was worth money or money itself. And I was so angry and I was so offended and I said, “How could you?” Then over and over somebody was talking in the atmosphere. I couldn't see this person but what they were saying was “Martial Law, Martial Law, Martial Law.”

And um, I went up to Obama and I was so angry and I looked at him and I said, “ I don't even WANT to be a citizen of the country anymore!” Then he threw his head back and started laughing but he looked offended. I had offended his ego. And I truly did not want to be a citizen of this country anymore. And seeing the things that I'm seeing up at the White House, I don't want to be a citizen of this country.

But um, that's what he did.

Then they came and they left. Then I saw family members come to my rescue. They just all of the sudden flew over. They gave me something to help me. I went and found a little stash that I had of whatever was worth anything to sustain me and my family. You know the one that I hid? And it was so tiny but he would have even taken that if he would have found it. Me and a whole bunch of people got in one of those big out of state buses. Like the greyhound or whatever, but it wasn't a greyhound but it looked like it. It was so big. And lot of people and I were leaving the United States and were headed to another country. And um, in that other country, things looked peaceful. People were dealing with paper money. Their lives were normal. But the United States life was chaotic. There were soldiers on the streets and Obama and the soldiers were taking the little bit of money those people had left.

But in this other country, things were normal. That crap had not merged into the other country yet. And um, people were trying to get into this other country. People were in a line in front of this counter. They were giving papers, exchanging papers, I guess vital documents. Or something. It looked like the counter of a cafeteria to me. But what they were doing is exchanging vital documents and I guess buying food too, I don't know.

Um but, they turned me down! They wouldn't even listen to me. And my father looked disappointed. Then we all got back on the big, humongous charter bus. I thought that they were going to continue going into this country here. In to this new different country. But they weren't, they took that charter bus and turned it around and they were headed back to the United States!

And I started freaking out and screaming and I got up from my chair and said, “ARE YOU TURNING AROUND???!!”

I was telling the bus driver that, I actually screamed it out at him. “ Oh heck no you are not making me go back to that place.”

The bus driver was driving and I said, “ STOP THE BUS! I'M GETTING OFF NOW!”

When I said that just like that, the bus shook like an earth quake or thunder and it immediately had to stop. Some of the bus was stopped on the side walk and the other part of the bus was on the street. The bus was still intact but I guess the impact of my fury caused that to happen where the bus was going at normal speed and immediately stopped. Partly going over a curb and stopping just like that. Kind of like when somebody parks wrong and the vehicle is just tilted. Well it was a big humongous charter bus and it stopped abruptly when I started screaming. I guess I must have startled the bus driver. I was telling him to “stop the bus, I'm getting off. “

I only said it once and it was with authority and the bus had to stop and I did get off. (like I said, I probably just scared the bus driver with my yelling.)

That was the end of that dream.

I have had dreams of Obama. That's the fourth dream that I had about Obama. I have had dreams of Obama and the first two came to pass. It just doesn't look good. After having dreams and these things coming to pass. Now I'm having these and these are worse, these are bad. And this man is evil. And you got to pray to Heavenly Father, Jesus Christ and The Holy Spirit about this. Because if Obama is the antichrist and wether you still be my friend or not, I do believe Obama is the antichrist. And if he's not the antichrist, he's his best friend. I mean they got to be that man is pure evil. There is something wrong with him. I believe he's the antichrist. Why would? Anyway, talk to God.

If you worship the beast or his image. It's just as bad as getting the mark of the beast in your right hand or your forehead and you will be tormented for ever and ever. So being that God gives WISDOM LIBERALY, OK ? LIBERALY … I ask you to call the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. I ask you to pray in the Name of Jesus Christ and ask him and find out for yourself. I'm just a messenger and I truly don't want to make this video. I don't want to, I don't want to have anything to do with this but it came into me and I have an obligation to my Heavenly Father. So there you go, you have your dream. I'm done.

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