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Third Disturbing dream of barak obama ( Dirty Water) Video With Transcription

Third Desturbing Dream of Barak Obama ( Dirty Water)

This is the third dream that I had about Obama and it's very very weird. I had this dream winter or spring of 2011, I believe. Alright, so in this dream Obama was trying to poison a prince. He had a cup of clear water, the water looked good. It looked good, it looked clear. It looked just like any other glass of clear water but there was a problem with that water. That water had worms in it but you couldn't see the worms. It looked clear and normal but it still had worms in it, microscopic worms.

He gave the water to the prince, a prince. The prince of some country. He gave the water to the prince and the prince drank some of the water and then, Obama tells him that the water has worms in it.

The prince was alarmed and looked at the water but you couldn't tell that there were worms in it but there were but you couldn't tell because they were microscopic.

And the prince looks at Obama all alarmed and stuff and says, “ Why did you do that to me?”

and Obama looks at him so calmly and normal and he says, “ It's ok. Your just going to die that's all.”

That's what he says. He says, “ It's ok, your just going to die, that's all. “

Very calmly, no emotion. As if killing people were the most normal thing in the world. And the prince was just...and in the dream I was the prince!

I was in a hurry to write this dream, I didn't write it in order but I am giving you what I had in the dream and I'm going to read it.

“ He gave clear water to a prince and I was the prince.

He gave him clear water to drink but it was contaminated with something that would kill him.

I – the prince was shocked and asked, ' Why did he do this?'

Obama explained, matter-of-factly, ' That it was just going to kill me, that's all '.

Alright, in that dream there was a school group of girls visiting where the president lives and it was not the White House. President Obama didn't live in the White House here.

It was a big building, a big square building made with gold or chrome. “

So a school group of girls went to visit where Obama lived and he no longer lived in the White House but in a humongous building made of gold or chrome. Later when I was trying to research this dream to see if there was anything, if I could find anything that looked like this dream. I did and I found it. I found the exact building except that this building had one door and in my dream it had two doors and I'm going to post that.

Ok, in that same dream a big shot's daughter was really sick. It could have been the Vice President's daughter, or some head of country's daughter. She was really sick and Obama was being criticized for running around the building. The building that I told you about, the one that looked like gold. Obama was criticized for running around the building while “this daughter” was ill. I didn't say that it was Obama's daughter, it could be but I didn't say it was. I said it was “somebody's” daughter that was sick. It was the head of a country's daughter, ok?

Now, he was scary. Obama looked scary. He wasn't scared, mind you. He was scary, he was pure evil and he was running to excersize and he was very fast. He had a plan. A devious bad one and he was planning on killing someone. A head of a country he was planning on killing.

Now two doors, there was one door on the right of that gold building and one door on the left. The doors were next to each other though. Two doors, one door on the right, Obama entered it and it was dark. There was a head of state with him and bad stuff was going to happen.

He was going to kill that man.

Then there was the second door, the door on the left and Obama said, “ Or we can go in there, be peaceful and alive.”

Still someone would do something and the plan would be doomed and it would be all over and someone would die.

Look, I haven't found anything on the news that would show this yet ok...but I dreamt that.

So keep this dream handy and pray about it.

Another thing I wanted to tell you that I found the building that I dreamt about. I have never seen this building before until I saw it in my dreams then I went ahead and looked for it. I wanted to look at all the monarchies around the world. To see if I could find,,,because he was poisoning a prince, so it was a monarchy.

So I searched all the monarchies around around the world and I found a monarchy in Delhi that had mausoleums. That big gold building where Obama lived looked exactly 100 percent like one of Delhi's mausoleums. In my dream I didn't know it was a mausoleum.

So during my research I came across the same building that I saw in my dream and was taken aback as it was a mausoleum. In the picture there was only one door but in my dream there were two doors. Whatever that means.

Obama is bad. I know that you just don't listen to dreams and stuff like that but look, God said that in the end times your sons and daughters shall prophesy. Old me will dream dreams and young men will see visions. That's what God says and as far as I'm concerned there is no greater authority.

Sometimes we have weird dreams and all types of stuff and I understand that ok? But the ones that I

had, the two first ones....where real. It happened and it's happening before my face. You can just about imagine the shock I feel and the stress I feel. I'm pressed, I'm PRESSED to tell you this for whatever reason. So consider yourself told. I'm doing this for the Glory of God. Elohim, the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. Jesus Christ is His Son and that's who I serve. That's it. Cut.

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