First Disturbing Dream of Barack Obama (No Help)
Dictation of the video ' First Disturbing Dream of Barak Obama (No Help)'
Hi there, good afternoon my name is Lilli. And I needed to talk about somethings that were pressing on my mind for about a year now – 2010, today is 2011, June 15, 2011. You know, I'm sorry that it took so long for me to get this out. But um, let me start at the beginning.
When obama was running for president, we thought wow, racism is finally coming to an end. They elected a black president. Finally people can act normal for a change. That racism stuff, that goes against the laws of God. Because every man is made in the image of God. But anyways that is between whomever practices racism and God. I'm not here to talk about racism that is a whole new different video. Um but anyways, we were happy that a black man was elected president.
And we were overjoyed when he won the presidency and everything. And I didn't like it when people would talk badly about obama or anything of that nature. Because I just thought, “ oh you racist.” You know, that is what I would think. You know? I would just be like “oh, come on,” you know?
I had a dream....
I dreamt that I was asking obama for help, he was sitting on a chair and I was asking him for help. I was being terrorized, I was being bullied, I was being harrassed and attacked for no reason whatsoever.
And I went to the president for help. But he didn't want to help me. He um didn't even want to hear me. He would scowl. Every time I would try to talk to him he would turn his head away from me and scowl. Then he would take his hand and use it to shield his face from me as he turned away. That's what he would do. And um. I couldn't believe it! Why wouldn't he want to help me? I mean I was right, I was correct. And then I just felt so bad because I'm like, whose gonna help? I'm trying to get help here and this person is not helping me. And I was feeling so bad because of all the stuff that I had gone through.
And I'm asking for help.
And I'm not RECEIVING it!
Then Michelle Obama, his wife comes over to him. She puts her hands on his shoulders and says, “oh”.
And she encourages him to help me. And then with a SCOWL, I mean with a SCOWL, he goes and he helps me. He says, well he doesn't actually help me, he says that he is going to help me.
But he really doesn't want to.
He says that he is going to help me but his demeanor, his facial expressions, it showed me that he doesn't want to help me. He just said that he was going to because Michelle Obama encouraged him to.
End of the first dream.
When I woke up I thought, well that's foul, why would I be asking obama for help? And I thought things and I pondered about it. And I said, “ Well, that was just a dream!”, because I'm never going to meet those people. You know what I mean?
And I dismissed it and I let it go. And that dream I had in 2008, 2009. Maybe at the end of 2008 early 2009 right around that time. Not too long after obama was elected president and he won the presidency.
That wasn't too long. Maybe a month or 2 after that? Something like that.
Well, last year 2010, sometime around the summer of 2010, I was reading an article. And let me just say, I'm not a political woman. Ok? I really am not. All that mumbo jumbo that goes on up there I just think it's all messed up and rigged and I don't care. You know, I try to live me life and the one that is above all is God, Elohim, Jesus Christ and The Holy Spirit.
You know? But this article caught my eye! Um, Benjamin Netanyahu came to the White House. This is what the article said, that Benjamin Netanyahu, which is the Prime Minister of Israel, came to the White House and he...he was was asking obama for help. Because they were trying to mess with him those Arab people. And um obama didn't want to even help them. He didn't even help them. And you know what? And I'm going to post the link to the article it's in the newspapers all over the World.
So in case you don't make sure you click on that link.
That obama, he doesn't, he doesn't even feed the Prime Minister of Israel! Obama abandons them and leaves them alone in some lobby in the White House and that punk goes somewhere to have dinner in private.
Now you just correct me if I'm wrong but the 28 years that I have been here in this country, I – every single time that a head of state comes and I'm rumaging through the T.V. or something, the White House gets fluffed up and primped and the cooks are running to and fro trying to get the right meat, the right fish, the right potatoes. Because a head of country is coming.
And for them to DISS Netanyahu...the Prime Minister of Israel like that...really got me between the eyes.
You see Israel is God's chosen people.
Anyway, Netanyahu was so offended, that he went ahead and he took off back to Israel.
Only to be invited, before he was invited back, there was a big thing in the newspapers about the disrespect that obama showed Netanyahu and this is the article I'm referring to.
Anyways, He was invited back 3 months later and this time obama said that he would help. But that was AFTER the U.S. and the whole World was in tune because the newspapers articles saying of what happened at that White House. How he had treated Netanyahu.
It's an outrage here in the United States. Let me tell you why – because we love Israel here. This is a Christian nation. 74% of the United States is Christian. I don't care what that obama person says. Ok?
But anyway like I said, I used to like obama.
Ok? Glad a black president was up there finally. But um, when I read that, I don't know how to explain it, you know? It's like going from cold to hot, from a very cold environment to a very hot environment. Or from a very hot environment to a very cold environment.
(snaps finger) just like that in in the blink of an eye.
I was like, just so shocked. And then all of the sudden with out me even recalling, with out me even recalling anything to memory, VOOM it just hit me. That dream I had a month or 2 after obama was elected president. Two years before. And it just came to me!
* I went up to him
* I was asking him for help
* He didn't want to help me
And then he was encouraged to help me
and then he said he would help me
but he looked like he didn't want to help me.
It just VOOM came at me! Have you ever had something just VOOM come out of the blue?
Well that is what happened to me right after I read that article and then I knew that it was The Holy Spirit that brought that to my immediate attention and clicked the two things together ok?\
And from that time on, I don't like obama.
Because God showed me who that was.
And what he is.
And what he is about.
So remember this:
The dream
Two years later. The dream comes to pass but it's not me he is doing it to. Well it kind of is because, you mess with Israel – you mess with ME. Okay? Just know that as a child as a very baby, young child I was taught that Israel is God's people. That is ingrained in every cell in my body. I was taught stories about Israel, about Moses, Abraham, Isaac, Jacob. I was taught this, this is how I was brought up and this is how I brought my children up.
But anyway...So um, I felt offended and shocked you know? Why it got to be a black man? You know? I don't know, you know what I mean? What I mean, What I know is the devil is bad and he likes to use people and he likes to play around with um, peoples emotions.
But um, I had another dream. Dream number 2.