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Second Disturbing Dream of Barack Obama (Bully Deal)

Chapter 23

Second Disturbing Dream of Barack Obama (Bully Deal)

Dictation from the video, ' Second Disturbing Dream of Barack Obama (Bully Deal)

I had a dream that Barack Obama was sitting in front of me. With an evil, sinister look on his face. His hand extended to me. As if striking a deal with force and against my will. And that is what he was looking at me like. (making an evil and sinister look to illustrate).

That's what he was looking at me like. He had the most evil, wicked look. And I was looking at him and all around me was dark. We were in a room and it was dark. And he wanted me, he didn't say anything. Nobody said anything in the dream. It was just understood. He wanted me to shake his hand!

He wanted me to agree to something I didn't want.

From the depths of my soul I did not want to agree to this but I had to and I'm going to tell you why. Because in the dark there were people that I could not see but would do me harm. Terrible, terrible, terrible, unimaginable harm. If I did not agree to Obama's plan. So he comes and he sticks his hand out like this. And he goes like this. How does he go? He was like (video illustrates how he stuck out his hand with the evil sinister look on his face.)

That's what he does! You know like ,” you BETTER shake my hand.” And he's happy. He loves, you know he loved the evil going on. That was him all the way and he extended his hand. And I was feeling so sad inside. So afraid. And I truly, truly, truly did not want to shake this man's hand. I did not want to agree to this plan but I had to do it or harm would come. HARM WOULD COME. UNIMAGINABLE HARM. Something tremendously awful that I couldn't even imagine. That I can't imagine. But in the dream I knew what it was. It was something really bad.

Although it looked like there was no body in the room it was just me and him, there was people there.

And they would have done me harm if I did not agree.

Now remember this. It looked like it was just me and him but it was not just me and him. I could only see me and him. But inside and in my mind I knew that there were others.

So I ended up AGREEING. Shaking his hand shaking. My hand was just trembling while I shook his hand. And I was doing something 100 million percent against my will. I did not – want – to -agree- to- that.

Ok? That's the end of the second dream.

And like I said before, I am not a political person, I care not what they do. Only when it comes to Bible prophecy and that's only because I have to. Because everything is just lining up with everything that the Bible is saying.

All these things are happening. So I'm paying attention.

And I started paying attention really after this dream. I wanted to know when I woke up, why the hell was I shaking hands with Obama? I don't like Obama anymore. He dissed Israel, remember when I told you that? Well, I don't like him. So heck no, I'm not going to be shaking his hand. And why in the world did I shake his hand in my dream? Why? Me!? For what?

Ok, well in the first dream that I told you about, I thought that it was me but it was actually Israel that I was representing in the dream. And the second dream that I just told you about, I thought it was me again! Shaking that Obama's hand. But it was not me that was shaking his hand. I thought it was me.

But when you go ahead and look at the news and see what is going on, I find out that they are trying to split Israel in half. And that shaking hands in a dream, common sense tells me that it's what? That is a pact, a deal, a plan, a contract. You see what I'm saying? Um, and that's the only contract that I see going on now. Israel does not want to get split up to 1967 borders and Obama is trying to do that to them. And just today I learned that they gave him a month, Netanyahu a month to “decide”.

Is he really deciding youtube? World? Is he really deciding or is he being bullied in to it?

Look, I felt what this man felt. It's not just him and Obama. It's all the people in the “dark”.

Threatening him and threatening Israel, God's people.

If Obama was truly from God and led by the Spirit of God would he be doing this?

Nothing that comes from God will go against God. Why am I telling you these videos? I mean why am I telling you these dreams? Because it's pressing on me to tell you. Do I want to? No I don't want to get involved in any of this. I don't want to even think about Obama. I can not stand that man anymore. Not after what I seen him do to Israel. Do I go to bed thinking about Obama? You got to be kidding me. Heck no.

You know, these things just pop up. And um I just, I just have to tell you. And in no way shape or form do you think of me as a racist. My kids are black and I'm a mixture of about 4 races. So you know, no.

At the beginning I was happy that Obama was elected until I found out what he was doing to Israel. Check my video 'The First Dream'.

But anyway this is the second dream that I just told you and um, there's something wrong with that man.


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