Philadelphia Archbishop slams Pennsylvania state Rep. Brian Sims who confronted abortion protesters

William Cummings, USA TODAYPublished 11:52 a.m. ET May 9, 2019 | Updated 6:22 a.m. ET May 10, 2019📷📷📷📷
Cheers erupted as Georgia Governor Brian Kemp signed the "heartbeat" abortion bill. USA TODAY
The archbishop of Philadelphia denounced Pennsylvania state Rep. Brian Sims for videos he shared on social media of himself confronting protesters outside a Planned Parenthood, calling his behavior "unbecoming of an elected official."
"Over the past few days, videos have gone viral on social media featuring State Representative Brian Sims aggressively harassing young and elderly women who were peacefully praying outside of a Planned Parenthood Clinic in Philadelphia," Archbishop Charles Chaput said in a statement Wednesday.
"His actions were unbecoming of an elected official."
Planned Parenthood confrontations: Pa. Democrat Brian Sims defiant amid uproar over 'harassing' of anti-abortion protesters
Sims, a Democrat who represents a district in Philadelphia, posted two videos on social media of his confrontations with protesters at Planned Parenthood Southeastern Pennsylvania. In the first, he approached a group of about five protesters he said had been "shaming young girls" in front of the entrance to the clinic.
"A bunch of white people, standing out in front of Planned Parenthood shaming people. There is nothing Christian about what you're doing," Sims told them. He offered $100 to anyone who could identify the girls within the group.
Sims shared that video to his Facebook page on April 18, but removed it sometime between Tuesday and Thursday.
In the second video, Sims approached a woman who appeared to be holding a rosary and avoiding the camera. He referred to her as "an old white lady telling people what to do with their bodies" and berated her for more than seven minutes for "shaming people for something that they have a constitutional right to do."
"What you're doing here is disgusting. This is wrong. You have no business being out here," he told her. He accused her of being engaged in "a racist act of judgment."
In that video, Sims also criticized the woman for her Catholic faith.
"Shame on you," he said, marveling at the "amount of mental gymnastics it must take to think that you have a right to tell a woman what's right for her body" and yet "support a faith that has molested children across the planet."
Chaput accused Sims of trampling on the rights of the protesters.
"There is much bitter irony that he claims to be a champion for the rights of all women yet he trampled on the rights of others and disgracefully shamed them in public," Philadelphia's archbishop said of the videos. "It was particularly disdainful that he offered a bounty for the identity and home addresses of three young ladies in order to encourage protests at their homes."
The archbishop said the United States was "founded on democratic principles" and that elected officials should represent all of their constituents.
"Representative Sims spoke often of shame and there was plenty of that to be found in his actions, which demonstrated a complete disregard for civility and basic human decency," Chaput said.
Sims – who said "Planned Parenthood protesters are scum!" in a May 2 tweet – initially responded to the outraged reaction to his videos on Twitter by declaring, "Bring it, Bible Bullies! You are bigots, sexists, and misogynists and I see right through your fake morals and your broken values."
Sims later posted a video in which he confessed that he had been "aggressive" and explained that his actions had been driven by his experiences seeing anti-abortion rights activists harass women trying to enter Planned Parenthood facilities.
"I know that two wrongs don't make a right and I can do better, and I will do better for the women of Pennsylvania," Sims said.
The anti-abortion group Live Action has called for a rally to be held Friday at the same Planned Parenthood where Sims tried to drive protesters away. In his statement, Chaput encouraged "broad participation in this peaceful initiative" and included a link to the event organizers.
"Let us meet the hateful actions of Representative Sims with the love of Christ and let us fervently pray for respect for life from conception to natural death," Chaput said.