I Am The One Percent Used To Justify 100 Percent Of Abortions
They ignore all the prolife women in this fight—the ones who run the majority of prolife organizations and the ones fighting in state and fe

BREAKING: Ontario Appeal's Court Rules Christian Doctors Must Participate In Abortion, Euthanasi
TORONTO, May 15, 2019 (LifeSiteNews) — An Ontario appeal court struck a blow against religious freedom today, ruling that the right of...

Media silent as thousands of pro-lifers rally at UK March for Life in London
Despite the crowd, the UK media failed to cover the March. The media blackout of the large and energetic pro-life event is consistent with t
Ilhan Omar Attacks Pro-Life Christians: “Religious Fundamentalists” “Imposing Their Beliefs on Socie
Islamic congresswoman Ilhan Omar took to the floor of the House on Wednesday to attack pro-life Christians and trash the pro-life laws that
Nancy Pelosi and Democrats Block Bill to Stop Infanticide For 50th Time, Refuse Care for Babies Born
This is the 52nd time in total that Congressional Democrats thwarted an attempt by Republicans to vote on a bill that would provide medical

Google Tightens Advertising Regs For Pregnancy Centers Amid Furor Over Abortion Laws
Google will begin asking abortion-related businesses whether they actually offer abortions, which will result in ads for pro-life crisis pre

Philadelphia Archbishop slams Pennsylvania state Rep. Brian Sims who confronted abortion protesters
State Representative Brian Sims aggressively harassing young and elderly women who were peacefully praying outside of a Planned Parenthood C

Uber Driver is fired because he did not want to take a pregnant woman to a place where her son would
An UBER driver with a stellar record gets fired because he will not drive patron to a place where her child will be killed.