Dad rescues ‘brain dead’ son from doctors wishing to harvest his organs – boy recovers completely
Although a team of four physicians insisted that his son was “brain-dead” following the wreck, Thorpe’s father enlisted the help of a genera

Texas Democrat kills bill protecting religious businesses from discrimination
AUSTIN, May 10, 2019 (LifeSiteNews) — Legislation that would have barred government from retaliating against individuals or businesses on...

Women traumatized by abortions after rape: ‘The nurses held my arms’
Pro-abortion activists use pregnant rape survivors and their situations frequently as talking points in the abortion debate. But pro-choicer

North Carolina Gov. Roy Cooper Vetoes Bill to Stop Infanticide, Care for Babies Born Alive
North Carolina Gov. Roy Cooper Vetoes Bill to Stop Infanticide, Care f

Philadelphia Archbishop slams Pennsylvania state Rep. Brian Sims who confronted abortion protesters
State Representative Brian Sims aggressively harassing young and elderly women who were peacefully praying outside of a Planned Parenthood C

Hospital to euthanize woman who says “I want to LIVE”
BY LIFE LEGAL POSTED ON APRIL 30, 2019 MINNEAPOLIS, MN: Catie Cassidy is a 64-year-old patient at Fairview Hospital in Edina, Minnesota....

British Government Rules Christianity Is Not a Religion of Peace, Rejects Convert
The Home Office has rejected the asylum application of a Christian convert from Iran who said they had been drawn to the faith by its...

America’s First Two Muslim Congresswomen Will Both be Fundraising for Hamas-Linked Organization
The Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR) announced Monday that Democratic Michigan Rep. Rashida Tlaib will be speaking at...

Christian Death Toll Rises to 200 in 4-Day Muslim ‘Killing Spree’ in Nigeria
The death toll of last weekend’s massacre of Nigerian Christians by militant Muslim Fulani herdsmen has risen to at least 200, according...

Lesbian attorney general may have just ended Christian adoption services in Michigan
LANSING, Michigan, March 26, 2019 (LifeSiteNews) — Michigan’s Attorney General Dana Nessel has announced that taxpayer-funded adoption...