China Cracks Down on Christianity, Orders Followers to Renounce Their Faith
The Chinese government’s crackdown on Christianity continues to intensify. Christian congregations in Beijing and several provinces are...

Part 2 Communism Awaiting The USA - A Child's Dream
Coming soon: Free Speech banned in the United States

Part 1 Communism awaiting the USA- a Child's Dream
The United States of America Once a Free Country Now Worse than communist. That was the headline on the last print the New York Times had.
Spontaneous healing after prayer in Jesus' name featured in peer-reviewed medical journal
Spontaneous healing after prayer in Jesus' name featured in peer-reviewed medical journal By Brandon Showalter, CP Reporter| Monday,...

Bizzare Dust and Rain Cloud Form Barrier Between ISIS and Israel
A huge cloud of dust and rain blew up along the border between Israel and ISIS last week, sparking online claims that it was a biblical...