Bizzare Dust and Rain Cloud Form Barrier Between ISIS and Israel

A huge cloud of dust and rain blew up along the border between Israel and ISIS last week, sparking online claims that it was a biblical storm.
Four days after ISIS fighters attacked an Israeli patrol in the Golan Heights, a plateau in Syria which the Jewish state has occupied since 1967, the bizarre meteorological phenomenon suddenly appeared.
Eyewitnesses said the storm seemed to stop at the boundary and be unable to enter the Golan Heights, which tower above the rest of Syria.
Huge cloud of dust appears on the Syria and Israel border📷+4
The cloud seemed to almost hover over the fence which the Israelis have constructed in occupied Syria, along the 1967 ceasefire line
Footage of the dust barrier was uploaded onto Facebook by Israel News Online.
They wrote: 'A weather phenomenon occurred at 8am Thursday on the other side of the Syrian border, in the same place where ISIS attacked Israel.
This strange storm of what appears to be dust, cloud and rain did NOT cross the border fence into Israel. It sat like a barrier between ISIS and Israel.'
Underneath Deborah Van Dam posted: 'Absolutely the divine intervention of God protecting Israel. Amen!'
Anna Rider Pollutro added: 'That is God. Israel is the Apple of His eye. Those who hate Israel God hates, those who love Israel God loves. He will defend Israel at all times. Nothing can tear her down. When God is for you nothing can stand against you.'
Israeli Defence Force soldiers can be seen staring in amazement and taking photographs of the huge duststorm cloud
On November 27 Israeli forces in the Golan Heights were attacked for the first time by ISIS fighters. Four days later the mysterious dust cloak appeared along the frontier