Ontario Bill Threatens To Criminalize Christian Speech As ‘Hate’

May 9, 2019 (REAL Women of Canada) — On March 20, 2019, Bill 84 was introduced in the Ontario Legislature. It is a Private Member's Bill, introduced by York Centre MPP Roman Baber.
The bill passed second reading at the end of April, and is now before the Standing Committee on Justice Policy.
The bill is entitled Prohibiting Hate-Promoting Demonstrations at Queen's Park Act, 2019.
The bill provides that no demonstration, rally or other activity that, in the opinion of the Speaker, is likely to promote hatred against any identifiable group, shall be permitted on the legislative grounds.
"Hate" is Always Unacceptable
No reasonable or rational person accepts or agrees with the deliberate spread of "hate". It is unacceptable in a civilized society.
The problem with this bill, however, lies in the fact that the definition of "hate" is uncertain under Canadian law. As a result, unfortunately, the use of the word "hate" can be a useful tool for some to prevent differing views from being expressed. That is, the word "hate" can be used to silence opposing views expressed when, in fact, the views are simply a reasonable expression of belief.