State-coerced child gender ‘transitioning’ is here. Parents are horrified

April 10, 2019 (LifeSiteNews) — As a Canadian father fights to stop court-ordered testosterone treatments for his 14-year-old daughter, U.S. experts warn there’s an increasing danger that more and more American parents will find themselves in a similar heartrending predicament.
“Yes, it is really that bad,” Michelle Cretella, president of the American College of Pediatrics, told LifeSiteNews.
“Parents are losing their right to protect their children from this dangerous medical experiment, and extended family members fare no better,” she told LifeSiteNews.
The general rule that individuals under age 18 cannot consent to medical treatment is being tossed out the window when it comes to sex transitioning, she said.
Children are started on puberty-blockers as young as nine, and “under the ‘guidance’ of gender ‘experts’ ... girls have been allowed to consent to double mastectomies as young as age 13,” said Cretella.
“There are gender surgeons pushing to eliminate age restrictions on the removal of reproductive organs and genital surgeries.”
That’s echoed by Emilie Kao, director of Heritage Foundation’s DeVos Center for Religion and Civil Society.
“The number of pediatric gender clinics in the U.S. has grown exponentially from one clinic in 2007 to 45 clinics around the country,” she told LifeSiteNews.
“Transgender activists and trans-affirming doctors are rushing children into hormonal treatments at as young as 11 years old,” Kao said, “even though the best statistics show that 80–95 percent of gender-dysphoric children become comfortable with their own bodies after passing through puberty without interventions.”
Parents losing right to oppose “transition” treatments
Moreover, the transgender lobby is waging a successful three-wave campaign for government-coerced transition of minor children, with “removal of a child based on accusations of medical neglect,” Cretella told the Federalist’s Margot Cleveland in February.