Transcript from the video : Have You Dreamt of Destruction Coming to The U.S.A.?
Dreams of Coming Destruction
Transcript from the video : Have You Dreamt of Destruction Coming to The U.S.A.?
Hey You Guys,
I want to talk about warnings that come from The Lord and that urgency that is in the air right now. I heard a pastor from Mesa, Arizona say that the urgency is in the air and if you don't feel it you need Jesus.
The urgency has been in the air for a while.
Because I'm telling you there is an urgency in the air . Something wild is coming. Something crazy. I wanted to talk to you about the Titanic. You all remember the Titanic. Well the Titanic sank. We know that the Titanic sank but what do we know about the warnings that they received before the Titanic sank? It's well documented that there were lots of people that had dreams, that had premonitions that had a bad gut feeling that they should not go on that trip. That they should not go on that boat. There were also those that through circumstances, things just happened. They had all these road blocks on the way. That they could not fulfill their plans to go on the Titanic. Because something came up or this or that. It just, they couldn't do it.
Why don't we take a walk under water and see what is going on with the Titanic today? While we take this walk lets talk about some accounts of the warnings that the Lord gave to some people before boarding the Titanic. It's kind of sad to see the Titanic in this state today but that is just what it looks like. The Bible says that warning comes before destruction. The Bible says that The Holy Spirit warns people of things to come. That's what the Bible says. So if we receive warning lets heed.
Exerpt from an online article I read here:
“On the night of April 14 and 15 1912, the R.M.S. Titanic on it's maiden voyage from South Hampton England to New York with more than 2,200 aboard. Moved steadily though the cold and somber mid Atlantic Ocean. Probably traveling too fast at the speed of 22 knots but those a board had no reason for concern. The Titanic, the largest ship of it's day, had been deemed unsinkable by it's owners and builders. At a length of 882.5 feet of 66,000 tons displacement and with 3 propellers it made it an imposing sight. It was a vessel of sumptuous luxury. Author Tony Allen noted. Others described it as lavish and extravagant. Unless of course one was traveling in steerage where the passage was the least expensive and amenities were decidedly modest.
Suddenly the calm was shattered with disaster when the Titanic was struck and iceberg that ripped a long and deep slash on it's side. Over the next few hours the great ship sank, claiming more than 1,500 lives. Rich, poor, young and old. Male and female. More life boats might well have saved more passengers but the Titanic only carried a poultry 20 boats an obviously inadequate number. Likely there was a degree of hubris or as one author wrote, over confidence in the Titanic's design, construction and technology. At the very least there was a serious error estimating the Titanic's structural integrity and it's capacity to navigate through the ice laden waters of the North Atlantic.
When News Paper headlines screamed details of the Titanic's calamitous sinking, a number of people came forward to claim they had prophetic dreams, visions, premonitions and other precognitive experiences. Warning them. What's more, many said they can prove their prescience. Many who claimed they'd experienced premonitions where surviving passengers. How many of those who died had an uneasy feeling or foreboding they ignored? We will never know but some passengers actually declined to go aboard the Titanic because of their uncomfortable sensations that something was or would be amiss with the ship. One of those who canceled was famed American financier and banker J. Pierpont Morgan. Who was interested in both the supernatural and new technology. It was a though those who had a six sense of impending doom.
Author Tony Allen wrote. Some who cancelled their travel plans to sail kept their passenger tickets to prove their claim of premonitions. Others produced credible witness who coroborated stories of eerie forbodings that kept them off the Titanic. One American business man changed plans to sail on the unsinkable ship after he received an urgent cable from his wife frantic in which she had a vivid dream in which she saw the Titanic sink. The husband took no chance that his wife was just suffering jitters about his voyage and her premonition probably saved his life. There was a report of another woman who watched as the Titanic was about to set sail from England. She became so agitated from a premonition she had had that all she could do was cry. “That ship is going to sink before it reaches America!” She pleaded with others nearby to intervene and prevent the Titanic from sailing but to no avail. There was another man who had not one but two prophetic dreams in which he saw the Titanic go down as he floated above the submerged vessel. Passengers weren't the only ones with premonitions of tragedy. At least one crew member's foreboding caused him to leave before the ship sailed into the open ocean.
There is a record of at least one psychic Vincent Turvy who forsaw disaster for the Titanic. He described his vision of the huge ship as a motion picture of the future. *AND BY THE WAY I DO NOT APPROVE OF PSYCHICS THAT'S CRAZY, THAT IS AGAINST THE BIBLE. I AM JUST READING OF THESE RECORDS AND ACCOUNTS SO THAT YOU ALL CAN SEE.*
Many premonitions came in dreams, others while people were awake. An 11 year old girl whose mother worked aboard the Titanic as an attendant experienced a great sense of doom before the ship sailed. However the mother managed to survive. Another woman reported a life like dream in which she saw her mother in an over crowded life boat tossing to and fro on the ocean. The following day the woman was shocked to find her mother's name on the Titanic's passenger list. The mother had wanted to surprise her family in America. And so never told the daughter that she was in the Titanic. Fortunately she survived the sinking. There were in fact so many premonitions experienced before the Titanic's voyage, they could fill an entire book.
Some who had a sense of doom cancelled their trip. Others ignored their forebodings and sailed anyway.”
So there you go. Why don't' you guys go ahead and do some research and check it out.
Also a lot of people had dreams that New York City would flood. I was one of them. As you can tell by the pictures and by the news, New York has had Irene, Sandy and there's a bigger one coming. Well you know, all that stuff is well documented. Now let me talk to you about the ones that had dreams.
There are some that had dreams and decided that they will not go on the Titanic. So either they sold their Ticket or they just let their ticket go. I bet you they were glad when they found out that they didn't go. Because the fate of the Titanic was horrible. Ok, and then there were those that had bad gut feelings. Really bad gut feelings that they shouldn't go. There was a record of a man that I read, he had a really bad gut feeling that something would happen if he got on the Titanic but he decided to go anyway. Although he decided to go anyway, he went ahead and he fixed his Will and everything to make sure that in case something does happen it was all handled but he ignored his gut feeling and he sank with the Titanic.
Then there are those that went with their gut and didn't go on. They followed their gut. They saw bad stuff about the Titanic in their dreams and didn't go on.
Then there's the ones that I'm not sure if they had bad dreams or not or gut feelings, but I do know that all these road blocks just fell on their way and they could not make it , they could not go on the Titanic.
So I want you to know that a lot of people throughout the world for sometime now have been having bad dreams of somethings happening to the United States. Just yesterday I was listening to a dream of a Pastor from Mesa, Arizona. She had a dream about a nuclear warhead hitting the United States.
You know, this woman doesn't know me. She doesn't know my family. She doesn't know half of the world that have been having these bad dreams. You know, us included. Because she dreamt that. Ok?
What got me good...what got me good is that she saw an angel appear. After the nuclear warhead hit she saw an angel appear. An angel of the Lord. She said that his arms were outstretched outwards with his palms facing up and his eyes were closed and he was just looking up and the glare from the nuclear warhead reflected off of his tunic.
Take a moment to process that.
Because it took me all night. All morning and part of the afternoon.
Now mind you, these are dreams that a PASTOR, a woman of God, has had. Her husband is also a Pastor. These are dreams that... I had dreams like this. If you go on my youtube uploads you will see that I have had dreams like this.
You know? I'm telling you right now, she said one more thing that I have to tell you. She said when the nuclear warhead hit, she said that all these lights went up and she was going up. That is the souls of people. The souls' of people that had died because of that attack.
There was another guy, his youtube name is firecharger. Some years ago, he had a revelation from God. He said we go up when the nukes come down. Look him up. Firecharger on youtube.
It's amazing , you know what I'm saying.
The Pastor from Mesa, Arizona also said that there are some people that The Lord warned to leave the United States. To go seek asylum in another country...
and she said those people know who they are...
That's what she said...
So, you guys I'm one of those people. You know, my daughter had a dream in 2011 where she saw all this devastation, it was horrible. She said that we were hiding because we did not want to take the mark of the beast. We were hiding...she said and she said that I picked up the last print of the New York Times, that was their last print because they closed down. I picked the newspaper page up from the ground. It was just tumbling like tumble weed. The headline read: “The United States Once A Free Country Now Worse Than Communism.”
That's what it said.
You know when I was a little girl I was so proud of this country. We used to do the pledge of alligiance and everything. We were strong and proud. Not proud like in a bad way, just strong. We had things to be proud of. We stood for right things, we stood for good things. We relieved the oppressed, we stood with Israel...we stood with know?
Another dream that my other daughter had was that Israel would leave the United States and they would become allies with Canada. If you google that you will notice that the ties between the United States and Israel are frail and that Canada is strongly standing by Israel.
She dreamt about the bear. The bear coming and attaking the United States. That's what she dreamt.
The dream about the angel and the glare reflecting off of his tunic, can be found in Anita Fuentes youtube. She was the one interviewing the Pastor from Mesa, Arizona. I encourage you strongly to listen to it. I'll put a link
As far as the Titanic goes, this place is sinking. Our country is sinking. So if God told you to leave you better go! If God didn't tell you that or God told you to stay do me a favor, do yourself a favor, strengthen yourself in the Lord and follow that great commission. You lay hands on the sick and they shall recover, you cast out demons. You raise the dead. You know, everything He said to do you do. You can do it. All you have to do is believe Him. It's His brilliant idea. He is brilliant. It's His idea, He's willing and you – you just believe. That's it and be strong. Get a handle on this because when people see your example, they are going to follow it and at this time, this is what they need.
You do that, you google that. Google all that stuff I told you about and check it out. Google all those accounts of the dreams and premonitions that those people had before boarding the Titanic.
Its eerie and throughout history before doom or destruction happen to a place, people dream about that. A lot of people see it happen first in their dreams. The Bible says that God warns before destruction.
Hebrews 2:3
**How shall we escape if we neglect such a great salvation? It was declared at first by the Lord, and it was attested to us by those who heard,**
Matthew 24:37-39
**For as were the days of Noah, so will be the coming of the Son of Man. For as in those days before the flood they were eating and drinking, marrying and giving in marriage, until the day when Noah entered the ark, and they were unaware until the flood came and swept them all away, so will be the coming of the Son of Man.**
The Bible says that the Holy Spirit warns of things to come.
**John 16:13 Howbeit when he, the Spirit of truth, is come, he will guide you into all truth: for he shall not speak of himself; but whatsoever he shall hear, that shall he speak: and he will shew you things to come. **
There was even a Scripture I read about Paul, the Apostle, that throughout every city he goes to The Holy Spirit warns him that chains and imprisonment were awaiting him. ..
And WE KNOW that chains and imprisonment awaited him.
Acts 20:23 Amplified Bible (AMP)
**23 except that the Holy Spirit solemnly [and emphatically] affirms to me in city after city that imprisonment and suffering await me.**
So The Holy Spirit is warning you guys...He's warning...and you got to do what He said because God knows what He's doing. What God tells you would never break commandments, never. NEVER EVER go against the Bible. Just so you know but what I'm trying to tell you is that this is wacked, this is hot, this is wild and it's hitting me in the face. And it's here and um you know a lot of people don't understand that because they are living their life as if nothing is going on. Those people are going to be caught unaware. They are not watching the news. They are not watching and praying because if they were then they would see these things.
You know what I do? I post the news clips, I post the newspaper clips, of these things. We talk about the scriptures that tie in to that. The United States has betrayed Israel with the Iran deal.
And all I can see in my mind is the angel with the arms outstretched outwards and palms up and the glare of that nuclear warhead reflecting off of his tunic. Pastor Jonathan Cahn, he is a Jewish man and he knows the Jesus just like the apostles. And he talks about all this stuff. You know, it's already a warning that a Jewish man that knows Jesus, is warning of impending doom. He's gone to congress, he's gone to them, he's gone before the U.N. He's a brilliant man and He was blessed by God, filled whith the Holy Spirit. I encourage you to follow him as your pastor. Wow.
The Titanic sank and people were warned. Those that followed the warnings did not sink. You follow your warnings. I'm going to post those links where you can see those records and those accounts. You take care of yourself. God bless you. Bye bye.
The links:
The link to the dream of the Pastor from Mesa, Arizona is below
The accounts of the Titanic passengers who heeded dream warnings below